Michael Long

 Mike was raised by wolves in the nether regions of West Virginia.  He was adopted by a kind family of gypsies where he developed his love for music.  At the age of 12 he received his first guitar for Christmas, a Sears Harmony "Les Paul" knock off that began his love affair for playing music.  After a high school talent show where he played the bass, the jazz band instructor approached him about joining the school jazz ensemble and the rest is history.  Mike was in various bands throughout high school and college but left the scene in 1993 to live life and focus on career and family.  In 2018 he reunited with long time band mate and best friend Vaughan Hayden  to form Blue Salvias.  In 2020 he reconnected with high school mate Erika and the two began to collaborate on what eventually became Skipjacks.  Mike loves the sounds of the sixties jangle masters such as The Byrds, The Hollies, Beach Boys and The Beatles as well as 80's groups The Cure, The Smiths, The Church, The Sundays . Duran Duran and Depeche Mode. He has an affinity for the bass guitar, baritone guitar and 12 string electric.  He plays vintage Guild, Gretsch and Gibson products and has owned the same Precision Bass since 1986.  Analog synths and drum machines round out the unique vibe of the band. Mike loves being in Blue Salvias  not only because of the music but because of the band mates he has reconnected with as well as the fans that share the love of the craft and genre. Whether you are a crew member, a passenger or a landlubber, he thanks you dearly for being a part of the journey!

Erika van der Zon

Erika was proudly born and raised from 100% Dutch parents in the great state of Maryland. She eventually attended the same high school with the Skipper, Mike Long, and as friends, they both found they had a passion for the entertainment world, Mike was ultra talented at making music and Erika took a different route in the artistic work following her love of Technical theater starting as early as a freshman in high school, building scenery, lighting, props and costumes. With gentle prodding of her drama class teacher, Erika attended college in western PA, and graduated with a BFA in Tech Theater and Design. With that degree, she worked in a number of theaters up and down the east coast in all sorts of backstage roles. Master Carpenter was her initial love but she also was on a  lighting crew, built props, and most importantly took on the role as a Production and an Assistant Stage manager. After about 25 years, Erika decided to take back her weekend life in a regular 9-5 job, and in the interim, reconnected in a chance encounter with her high school friend  Mike after 25 odd years! She eventually joined him and Vaughan in the musical project BLUE SALVIAS in writing  lyrics.  But then Erika found she had a penchant for to the other things, website design, cover art design and making videos.  She is hoping this journey won't end, creativity is endless!

My own wooden shoes from when I was 5

Very proud to be Dutch

my baby Kai

Vaughan Hayden

Vaughan was born in Youngstown, Ohio in the same hospital and the same year as Mike.  His father even worked for a bit with Mike's grandfather but the two never met until high school, 600 miles and 15 years away.  Vaughan was the drummer in the early bands he played in with Mike.  After 1993, he became an award winning songwriter in the field of Christian music and a few years later fulfilled his dream of becoming an ordained minister.  Vaughan has successfully pastored several  congregations in Maryland and Delaware.  He continues to write songs and lyrics as well as being involved in music production.  He is very proud of his two sons and loved being married to his late wife Tammy for over twenty five years.  Vaughan reunited with Mike in 2018 to form Blue Salvias, you can hear his lyrical poetry in a number of the tunes the band released. He has been instrumental in writing lyrics for Skipjacks as well and continues to support the band in a variety of ways. 

Joseph Hayden, Vaughan's youngest son (pictured with Vaughan) has been contributing lyrics to the Blue Salvias project as well, be sure to look out for some of his works!

Mike and Vaughan. Brothers forever!!

Flashback to the 80's!!!

Mike and Erika late 80's.

L-R- Andy, Marvin, Mike, Vaughan, Glenn

Mike already the consummate musician

Everyone together.. we had such a great time.

L-R Mike, Marvin, Vaughan, Andy, Glenn